Saturday, June 20, 2009

Preslee is home!!!

Our Sweet Baby girl is home. We came home when Preslee was 24 hours old. We were so ready to be out of the hospital room and back to normal.
Thank you to all of our friends and family that came over and brought breakfast, dinner and gifts. They were so appreciated!!! We got pictures of some of our friends that came over

Teresa and Bob and their cute little girl Gentrie came up from price. Peytyn loved playing with Gentrie and I dont think Teresa minded holding Preslee!!! Bob look how good she looks with a baby in her arms!!! Sarah, John and Cade came over with dinner THANK YOU!!! That was a crazy night lets do dinner again! I think we have to do take out though it was much easier.
Brooklynn and Peytyn (PAYPAY) are such good friends.

Thank you to Tricia for the super Yummy popcorn that I ate all by myself!!! Thank you for breakfast also!!!
BOBBY Doesnt Tricia look so good with a baby in her arms!!!

I also wanted to say Thank you to Melissa and Hunter for Dinner. It was so good. I didnt get a picture though so we need to get together soon so we can get that picture. Hunter we loved your drawing it was the best!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I only look good holding other people's babies!!! ;)